Because I just can't keep you all waiting like that anymore, Caturday makes it's triumphant return to the LP Blog. Below, as usual, you'll find my favorites from today's Caturday Thread on Fark, featuring the story of one soggy pussy who didn't have to go down with his ship.This one is just entirely too adorable for words...
Even Cats have love stories...
And now, for a couple of Geek Themed Kittehs...
And finally, to help ease you all into Bunnday...
Plans are in the works that will allow me to make all kinds of changes to the way this blog looks and flows. What does this have to do with Caturday? Well, I'll be able to post my own LOLCats as well as those I find on Fark. Good times ahead...
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Return of the Living Caturday
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
The First Salvo
It was a battle that shaped the course of World War II, and most of us have never heard of it. I myself had never heard of it at all until about 20 minutes ago. All I can say is, read the article, troll the Fark Thread, and if you want, check out the Wikipedia Article on this, one of the most important, but least-known battles of the Second Great World War...
Posted by
Eric Jacobson
4:19 AM
Tags: fark, history, interesting, japan, military, nifty, russia, war, world history, world war ii
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Forgetful Jones
Oops. Forgot to mention that I finally processed some of the video from my 30th Birthday Party at Electric Avenue, small a gathering though it was. It's all available on the ol' You Tube Channel, and here's a quick sample: Behind the Scenes @ Electric Avenue!
I hope Angel doesn't beat me too badly for putting up a video with her in it...
Posted by
Eric Jacobson
9:35 PM
Tags: andy, birthday, electric avenue, fred, funny, goofy, lost prophyt, lp, silly, video, youtube
But You May Feel A Little Sick
Sadly, this didn't make the main Not News page at Fark, and was instead relegated to the Politics Tab.
War is hell. Let there be no two ways around it: Even this Atheist will conceed that, if there were such a thing as hell at all, the closest possible real-life incarnation of that concept is War. War changes you. War fucks with you. War takes you, breaks you, and sometimes, it takes a hell of alot to piece you back together.
Sometimes, though, cracks emerge, and soldiers slip through them.
A generation ago, a few years before I was born, there was a conflict in Vietnam. We were there, trying like hell to route the spread of the "scourge" of Communism (a scourge that became all but dormant two decades later). It was an unpopular war. It was protested like no other war before or since.
That time, the soldiers coming home were treated unfairly, like a backsurge from the septic tank. Despite these men only having done the job they were ordered to do, right or wrong, and nothing more, they were treated as though they were ultimately responsible. They were shunned, spat on, some even had baggies of vomit thrown on them. In a nutshell, they were blackballed.
And they got the shit end of the stick, while the ones who deserved that treatment got off relatively scott free.
Since, America would like to think it has learned its lesson. Vietnam was a hard lesson to learn, and there are still veterans of that war who have never really managed to reintergrate into society. But apparently, only a few lessons were learned in the 30 years since the end of America's first big loss, because those homeless Vietnam Vets are being joined by a new generation, fueled by another unpopular war, another seemingly untouchable puppet master at the controls, and a new era of strategy from an ancient enemy.
Yahoo News is running this article (Fark Thread), which goes more in-depth into this sadly growing phenomenon, profiling one homeless Iraq Vet and finding out what exactly led him down the path to where he is now. Even as the American people have learned to not place blame on the sodliers fighting the war (a generation too late, sadly) while they disapprove of it, we've still managed to allow our men and women to slip through cracks we were supposed to have patched in the last 20 years.
While everyone who reads this knows that I'm not a big fan of either the war or our inept leader, at no time during this conflict have I ever NOT supported our men and women in uniform. They are literally my family and my friends. My own grandfather was part of the "Greatest Generation," and fought in World War II. Whether the wars they fought had good causes or shady underpinnings, they fought so that we can be free to do what we do. They should be thanked at every possible chance, and shown the love and support they deserve.
It's a problem that we can try to start fixing, but America still has yet to get its head all the way out of its collective ass...
Posted by
Eric Jacobson
7:25 AM
Tags: fark, homeless, illegal war, lessons, soldiers, veterans, vietnam
Monday, January 21, 2008
I know, I know. I made a god damned resolution to blog more, and I spend two weeks with barely a peep. I wholeheartedly apologize, and to make up for it, here's a whole mess of recap for the last two weeks.
In Fearless Leader news, Wil recently made a set of five announcements (out of four, collect them all, bad math not included) with varying bits of awesome, including another story for the Star Trek Manga series, bringing Wesley Crusher (who was awesome, fuck the haters) back to life for Star Trek: The Tour, and an upcoming appearance at Phoenix ComicCon. For the Monkeys who read this stupid little blog, you already know all of this. For those who don't, go check out what Wil's got going on. It ain't just Trek we're all geeking out about over there...
Apparently, it's Kansas 2: Electric Boogaloo in Texas, as a fundie-riddled school board is set to take over, thereby ruining the education of thousands of Texas' children. Instead of being taught the rational, sane practice of Science, they'll be taught that Dinosaurs and Man walked together, that the Earth was created in seven literal days, and all kinds of other Mother Goose horse shit. Way to go, Texas. Grouse in the Fark Thread if you'd like...
I've tried (not very heard, it's actually pretty easy) to resist commenting on the Train Wreck bullshit that is Britney Spears and her younger, unwed teenage mother-to-be sister Jamie Lynn. The Lost Prophyt blog is above such superficial, useless celebrity bullshit, and for people to be so enthralled with this crap is just a sad, sad commentary on the state of American (and even World) society. Why the hell do people hang on every moment of this crap? More importantly, who the fuck cares?!?
That being said, what could my comment possibly be? Well, it's a sick, sorry world we live in when Kevin Fucking Federline is a better parent than somebody and actually wins full custody of two kids. That is all.
Sadly, tonight, one of the greatest cartoons of the modern animation era is coming to an end. At 7pm, Cartoon Network will broadcast the final episode of Codename: Kids Next Door. I remember when this series won the Big Pick Weekend, and saw the premiere of the original short, "No the OOL" Originally, KND were to be side characters in another Tom Warburton show, Kenny and the Chimp. While one K/C short has been run on Cartoon Network (along with the original KND short and the first KND "episode"), the only thing left of it is Professor XXXL. I guess you just can't let a good Frank Welker character go, can you...
Anyway, there's a 12 hour marathon on right now, so catch it while it's hot.
On the homefront, it looks like I might be going back to work for Aftershock Entertainment, which will be cool. I'll be doing alot more than I did last time, and making a bit more money at it as well. Won't that be nice, eh? Just means I'll be an even busier boy than I am now, but oh well. Gotta make those ends...
My Empire is growing...
I've been beating my brain to death trying to win the single player, multi-AI campaign in FreeCiv. From what I hear, the online servers are full of smallpox, so the home version is all I can do. And for some fucking reason, I can't seem to get that right at all...